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Learn About Pathway for Successful Leadership

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Our Mission

Empowering Youth, Elevating Potential, Enabling Success.

The mission of Pathway 4 Successful Leadership (P4SL) is dedication to assisting those youth who are considered incorrigible and their parents/guardian who have become distressed. This youth group will no longer be considered throw-aways.

Positive emotions will be elevated reframing the past and imagining the future that connects with positive values and beliefs.

The client’s potential will procreate to its greatest potential. Parents/guardian will develop ways of communicating that create meaningful change. These youth will have a positive support base while being guided on the Successful Pathway.


Our Promise To Families In The Toledo Area

To reduce the dropout rate in the education environment. 

To increase the graduation rate in both high school and college.

To provide a structured positive, true environment, that is consistent. 

To decrease youth lock ups. 

To improve academic performance, behaviors and disrespectfulness be lack of knowledge.

The vision of Pathway 4 Successful Leadership (P4SL) is to provide a positive outlook and successful future to troubled, disruptive youth.


Those youth that have a lack of confidence, self-esteem, trust and respect, which prevents learning in the classroom, the home, and society as a whole, will become productive members of their environment. Skills will be developed to not only produce leaders but Successful Leaders.

Our Vision

Shaping Our Youth Into Successful Leaders.

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